Slaby 2016
Just a couple days before Christmas, and I'm racing around as usual, and by the looks of all the traffic at all the stores, I'm not the...

Annika 2016
Wow guys 2016 has literally been the busiest year ever! In January, ballet, orchestra, playing violin downtown, and school of course had...

Benjamin 2016
This is Benjamin's page, but this is Maria writing.... Benjamin is a whirling dervish these days. Working full time as an aircraft...

Erik 2016
I’ve had a great 2016 that was filled with so many new opportunities and experiences for myself! I’ve also made and continued some great...

Margo 2016
Describe the year in one word: Consistent. Ahhhh just the way I like it. I've been at Wells Fargo for a full year now, and just finished...

Slaby 2015
Here I am again, racing breathlessly to catch up. Is there anyone out there that ever feels caught up, ever? Not I, no matter what year...

Margo 2015
Talk about a year of changes! From one thing to the next, my life turned a complete 180 from when I started the year. Jobs were the most...

Erik 2015
The sun is shining. It’s a little warm for this time of year but people are enjoying themselves, are giddy with excitement for the New...

Benjamin 2015
This year has been pretty great. A lot has gone on and changed for the better. One of the biggest highlights of my year was getting my...

Annika 2015
Ok! I’m finally sitting down, coffee by my side. Classical music playing. Now I am ready to tell you about my year. . . . Sooooo . . ....