Slaby 2018
Every year. Every single year I feel the same thing. I'm not gonna do it. Not gonna do it. Nope not this year. Can't. Won't. Not

Slaby 2017
I don't remember when we started doing this little family blog, but I know it was about the time we moved from PC to Mac back in 2008 or...

Slaby 2016
Just a couple days before Christmas, and I'm racing around as usual, and by the looks of all the traffic at all the stores, I'm not the...

Slaby 2015
Here I am again, racing breathlessly to catch up. Is there anyone out there that ever feels caught up, ever? Not I, no matter what year...

Slaby 2014
A shooting star couldn’t cause more awe. That’s how I feel every year as I take a peek back, and this year is no different. I see “awe”...