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Slaby 2015

Here I am again, racing breathlessly to catch up. Is there anyone out there that ever feels caught up, ever? Not I, no matter what year it is.

This year, with kids bigger and more independant than ever, you'd think I'd have no excuse, and yes, maybe I don't. Or maybe I do.

Maybe I've finally realized that all the things I've neglected for years, I finally am seeing and realizing holy $%^& I need to get with the program on that. Or maybe I'm just over-the-top on reinventing myself. Yet again.

Or maybe a little bit of both.

Whatever it is, I'm late with this greeting, but it's no less filled with the love in my heart for all of you that we share this with.

I love a new year. It's like the greatest Etch-A-Sketch in the world. It's when we all get to embrace that starting over feeling again. Like a new lunch box on the first day of school.


The Players


Mark's decision to run for city council in our little town pretty much took over the last half of the year, and since considering his "success" in winning, we are in for another two years of this . . . Let's just say, I understood greatly when people congratulated him upon winning and offering condolences to me at the same time.

Mark's amazing though. He stands up for the citizens of Mount Dora like no one I've ever seen. He's shaking the trees in this town, and yes, it's making a few uncomfortable. It's all there on Google . . .

Mark continues to work at Leads On Demand as the VP of Operations, honored recently as an Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Company in America.


This has been my year of reinvention. In the last year I've set my magazine on ice as I've re-oriented my whole business plan. I've learned invalueable lessons in the space of setting it aside and am ready now to dig in and turn my new direction into a reality in 2016. In the process, I spontaneously created a personal blog to vent out the cobwebs in my head that have no place in any specific business plan but seem to feel a need to get out. Check it out if you have a minute and say hi to me over there.


The first to leave the nest! I never thought I would ever be ok with any of our kids leaving the nest, but it's funny how life just helps you get through these times which before you couldn't ever imagine. Like when you're in 1st grade and can't imagine being smart enough to be in high school. Margo has transitioned beautifully to her new place right across town and we're happy to see her blossom. I especially have been enjoying her intermittent texts / calls asking my advice . . .


Such a sweet boy. Yes. That's what always comes to mind when I think of this young man. Followed by, yes, he's can be a little chronic . . . especially when the Packers are playing, like now as I write this and he's shushing Annika and I as we whisper to each other on the couch. Ok. I know we all have our thangs . . . Erik continues to work at Leads On Demand, an internet marketing firm as a Quality Control guy. He takes great pride in what he does, and even if I wasn't his mother, I'd say they're lucky to have him. Enough said. :) He's still full-on passionate about professional football and is always applying for internship opportunities in the industry. I'll let him tell you the details . . .


Where are you? This is the daily theme of my text messages to this fine young Biff of a man. I call him Biff because after all, he looks like Biff. But I imagine Biff as pretty dumb. And sometimes we're all a little Biff-like, but in Benj's defense, he's a pretty smart guy, so I hope he knows how ironic I'm being when I call him Biff. Terrible mom. Good stuff for future therapy, right? Benj is always in motion. Working on one deal or the next with his cars, helping his friends with their cars, helping us with our cars, working full time as a airplane mechanic and going to school at Lake Sumter State College. He's technically a senior in high school and what I call the Homeschooled Foreign Exchage Student at Mount Dora High School. Yes, he doesn't even go there, but everyone over there seems to know him. He's one of the more social Slabys . . .


Resiliant and Resourceful. As always. Since she was old enough to crawl herself upstairs to put herself to bed, she's been prepared, capable, and ready for her next move. Nothing has changed. Moving into her third year as a fixture on the streets of Mount Dora as the little violinist, Annika knows what she wants and does not waiver in her determination to get there. Her hand-drawn sign she crafted out of a piece of cardboard years ago saying she's playing for Ballet Camp, contiues to silently tell her story and pave the way in her journey to become a professional ballet dancer. Mark and I continue to sit downtown with her nearly every Friday and Saturday night, proudly seeing the joy she brings to our little town. Mark notices that couples often start holding hands after walking past her . . . .

For you . . .

My wish for you is a year full of love, peace and happiness. I know that may sound trite, but know I mean it. No matter who we are, how many kids we have or not, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the demanding must dos and miss the little sprinkles of happy along the way. When you notice a little happy sparkling amidst the crazy, let us know in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you . . .

Much love,



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