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Margo 2016

Describe the year in one word: Consistent. Ahhhh just the way I like it.

I've been at Wells Fargo for a full year now, and just finished my training to be a Customer Sales and Service Representative (CSSR) - which is a great opportunity for me. I get my own desk now, too which is a great bonus. LOL. I moved branches as well and am completely in love with my team. Not a day goes by where I dread my job, and I'm so grateful that I am surrounded by such fun people. In and outside of the workplace!

Tae Kwon Do kinda has taken the back burner this year unfortunately, I've just been uber lazy. I have testing for 2nd Decide Black Belt coming up so I SHOULD be getting my butt into class, but ugh! I hope I'm not the only one; but after work it's becoming so much of a routine to go home and curl up with The Office and a glass of wine. Anyone? Oh - oh. Ok just me then, I guess.

Anyway, that's changing. I've set up a gym schedule and a TKD schedule so hopefully 2017 will be a more actively scheduled one!

So…. I can't believe I'm saying this…. but, that's it.

My day usually always look like work, gym (well sometimes), dinner, tv, bed. And I've just been overjoyed with the simplicity and the idea of a schedule everyday. I mean, of course I do things outside of home, but I've been loving the homebody lifestyle that I've been indulged in this year. Onwards and upwards to 2017, ya'll!


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