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Margo 2014

Eat, sleep, live, repeat. Clockwork would have to be a word to describe this past year for me. With everything flowing from one activity to another, there was hardly a moment for any, "I want to do absolutely NOTHING right now." I have to say though, I kind of enjoyed it.

The first of the year started off with a bang. My world changed in a blink of any eye. I went immediatley (within days) from working at The Bunk Room and coordinating our the first Bunk Room Talent Show to my new position as Theatre Operations Manager at Bay Street Players, a community therater in Eustis, FL. I would often be seen pulling hair out of my head in frustration and then thriving under the pressure and time commitments. Like all things though, this transition period passed and I was happy for the experience!

With my job now, I'm able to dip my toes in different parts of theatre, which has been such a blessing and exciting opportunity for me. I have run tech (lights and sound) for four different shows, helped with getting volunteers in costuming and set design and even auditioning for a show! I wasn't able to perform due to scheduling conflicts, but it was still a fun thing to do.

I also earned my 1st Decided Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. In addition, I started teaching classes at my local martial arts center. This opportunity has 100% been the best experience of my year. Teaching kids is so rewarding (although I'm kinda glad I don't have to do it every day for 8 hours!!) and so much fun. These kids are definitely a handful but I have learned a ton about how to handle kids, how to handle myself and how to really teach what they are needing to learn.

On top of the regular curriculum classes (kids and adults) I also teach our 'Lil Ninjas classes along with my boyfriend Parker and my cousin Brandon. OH MY GOSH this has to be the best part of my day other than relaxing or going on a date. It's 30 mins a day with a whole group (ranging from a class of 5 to 20) 2, 3, 4, and 5 year olds. We call it "herding cats." We try to keep the kids entertained and focused while doing martial arts techniques.... but of course sometimes that doesn't always go as planned. ;) That being said, I love walking in as "Miss. Margo" and smiling and laughing with the most excited and adorable kids of all time. If you end up finding me on Facebook, you'll see pictures of the classes we have. The smiles are incredibly contagious, I'm just warning you!

On a side note, I have not gone through one or two, but THREE cars this year. I'm currently driving a 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe that's the most perfect pearlescent blue color (ahem, my favorite!) Still have the STARGO plate though, which is nice. (ninja edit: Turns out, I have a regular plate now.... the tag agency totally messed up my info!! booooo)

Due to my theatre job often requiring me to work on weekends, I haven't been able to continue volunteering at the youth orchestra we are involved in. I'll help every once and a while, but not a set schedule. Believe it or not, I like working the weekends mostly because there are shows and I get to 1. Dress up and 2. Watch the show for free.... and they say community theatres don't give employee benefits! haha!

Parker and I are still dating (two years now) .... and I've become quite the fisherwoman from his guidance (at least I like to think so) and am able to skin, clean and cook fish we have caught both in the lake and in the ocean. I'm not the greatest with all the fishing knowledge, but I'm good at following orders!

All in all, I'd say that although this year has been non-stop go-go-go, it's been one that I'll keep in my heart as one that really taught me a lot about myself, how to handle others, and learning more about how to survive in this big 'ole amazing world. I'm so excited for 2015, and I hope yours is just as wonderful as you hope it to be! ♥

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