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Budget Finish Line

The budget is coming to the finish line with a series of September meetings to discuss Mount Dora 2015-2016 budget items. The City Council will take the last portion of the Regular September 1st meeting along with Special Budget Meetings on September 10th and 24th to review items and approve a budget.

There are many items left to discuss and citizens are encouraged to attend and voice your concerns. I'll be there for sure.

There is a valid concern of many, including me, that several items of key importance are not yet resolved and there does not remain time now to make changes or gather further information. While I remain optimistic that issues like Thrill Hill, bio-solids, street sweepers and many others can be resolved, I do also worry about the "There's no more time we have to vote now" approach.

It feels like bullying when that happens and by writing it here I hope to 'encourage' everyone not to take such a tactical approach and let everyone know that there are citizens like me that would never stand for bullying. But... to be clear...I am optimistic... cautiously optimistic.

Below I include a memo from City Manager Vincent Pastue which nicely outlines the schedule and provides a good overview of the items to discuss on September 1st and beyond. In part, my optimism comes from knowing that Mr. Pastue has a strong background in budgeting and years of experience for him and staff.

Let's take a look at the 16 items to be reviewed on Tuesday (September 1st). I'll give you my thoughts on these items so that you have my perspective and can see, if you choose to put me on the City Council, what sort of person you are getting (Hint: 1. Does homework. 2 Understands financials 3. Critical thinker 4. Fearless 5. Looks for the long term for Mount Dora)

Items to Review

1. Police SUVs -- Why do we need them over sedans? Let's find out.

2. Fire Department Boat -- A thorough look at the usage and costs of operation needed. Mostly, we have only seen Capital Item discussion.

3. Professional Development -- Yes. We want to grow our employees. We always want to make sure that the development is to benefit Mount Dora -- not just resume building and thoughtful managers can make sure to put Mount Dora first -- so I am encouraged.

4. Employee Assistance -- Let's hear more. I'm surprised that this was not addressed in the recently completed Collective Bargaining Agreements -- and maybe there is more to it so let's find out (Note -- this is an example about me -- I'm keeping a thoughtful, open mind)

5. Sidewalk Maintenance -- Awesome. We need to be talking about this -- Walking around looking at the beauty of Mount Dora only occurs when you are not looking down watching for cracked sidewalks.

6. Fifth Avenue Paving -- First. Agreed. It is not pretty -- and from a marketing perspective it takes away from the $10 million spent on our streetscape. This section of road is maintained by Lake County -- we need to figure out how to get this done now and quickly.

Here is where we need new, out-of-the-box thinking.It shows that we need fresh, thoughtful eyes. We either blew it in not getting Lake County in the loop earlier or we just have to figure out a way for them to care more about it. There is the economic impact -- more visitors to Mount Dora -- more favorable comments about the experience -- brings more sales tax revenue to Lake County also.

There has got to be areas of the budget (I can think of a few) where we are expense-neutral that would allow Lake County to benefit by letting them provide the service and gain the operational synergies. See item #2 above as an example. A wait 4-5 years approach is not acceptable so we need to be creative. Critical Thinking is something we can always use more of in our city.

7. Business Survey – Development: Regulations, Customer Service - Hallelujah! As someone who has owned a retail business, earned two graduate degrees in business and economics and has taught college courses (before the first Bush was president) I cannot tell you how important it is to do a proper statistically significant analysis.

AND... and this is a big AND.... EVERY interaction with the City of Mount Dora needs to be reviewed with the idea of what it encourages or discourages business and WOW there are 100's of things we can do to make economic development work in our favor.

With the expressway coming, we either have to drive the conversation or it will run us over. I'm ready to protect the character of Mount Dora and also use my background to make sure the best development is chosen for Mount Dora.

8. Use of Park Impact Fees (Donnelly Park Lighting - Simpson Cove Exercise Pad) - Let's hear more.

9. Skate Park – I've spoken at Council before on this issue. First things first. Let's determine the need -- Needed at all? How much need and therefore how much to spend?

10. Fencing around Frank Brown Field – Protect our assets. Take care of what we own. Let's hear more.

11. Funding for Summer Parks Programs (Revenue not covering additional expenses) – We have to make sure that the community wants these programs and then make the decision accordingly. As an example -- hyperbole included -- Our Police Department does not fund itself on revenue parking and speeding tickets -- We know that public safety is important so we fund it. Period. The Parks Programs need to be discussed in this light.

12. Community Building Rentals/Expenses – Good item to discuss. Our Community Building is an under-utilized wonderful asset. Any time we can discuss the economic opportunity there, I am excited. (I'm an econ guy. See background below.)

13. Increase Special Event Fees – Economic issue -- love it. Let's talk.

14. Spay/Neuter Program – For pets only (checking if you are still reading) Yes. We should look into it. For many in Mount Dora pets are important to them.

15. Misters for Donnelly Park Pickleball Courts – Let's hear more. I would prefer shade trees but misters might increase usage. First though, before we chew up staff time on cost studies, let's first see if there is a big need for this item. Anecdotal data collection that I see the Council do on some issues is troubling. A survey -- which has to be done properly must be done first. Finally, having worked at Disney, extensive study there found some misters were worse than no misters, given our humidity. Still, let's hear more before we decide.

16. Millage Roll Back Rate – Rolling back taxes -- cutting spending -- tough decisions -- What would we cut to reduce the taxes? I have ideas. You do too. Let's talk more as this is the heart of budgeting.

Fund what you need. Spend every dollar as if it were your own.

Read that again. They just flew from my fingers to the screen. That is me in two sentences.

I hope to see you at the meeting on Tuesday. If not, rest assured that you will have me, looking out for YOUR CITY as YOUR VOICE.

About Me: Mark Slaby

I first came to Mount Dora in 1986, as a graduate student, working weekends at Granny's Cottage on Baker (later on 5th) for my mother-in-law, Judy Schutz. My wife Maria (publisher of The Bunk Room magazine) and I purchased property in Mount Dora in 1994, built a home and raised our four children -- Margo, Erik, Benjamin and Annika. They are active in Mount Dora High sports and other activities and we can gush on and on about them. We are proud parents of great kids.

I have experience as a business owner as well as corporate world skills -- including running a college campus. I am now the Vice President of Operations of a marketing firm recently listed in the Forbes 500 fastest growing privately owned businesses.

I've taught graduate and undergraduate courses for nearly 20 years in economics and finance and hold two graduate degrees from the University of Central Florida -- an MBA and a MA - Applied Economics.

I've served on the Mount Dora Charter Review Committee, Leadership Lake County Class of 2001, Lake County Environmental Protection Advisory Board, Lake Sumter State College Foundation, WorldClass Lake County Schools and other community committees.

I'm excited for the opportunity to serve our community and ask for your support and vote on November 3rd -- Mount Dora City Council At-Large seat.

Here is the memo I referenced....

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