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Socks and Underwear

Before the 2015-2016 City of Mount Dora budget meeting on July 21st, I likened the event to "Christmas in July" because of all the interesting spending items that would be discussed. For me, it was like waiting for that new bike, electronics item or some other fantastic gift.

For me - after the meeting -- it felt like I got socks and underwear. Thanks Mom and Dad.

You see, with all the excitement around a nearly $46,000,000 budget, I expected some real engagement from the council. Not much occurred. Disappointed.

Mr. Pastue's presentation was good -- professional and clear to understand. I asked for and received a copy of the presentation afterwards -- drop me a note and I'll email it to you. Aside from Mr. Pastue's presentation, it was an overall downer.

Sure one member was absent - for good reason I understand. Of the remaining six, three of them - HALF - had no questions at all.

As one of only two citizens to speak on the budget proposal, I questioned the lack of questions. One council member said he'd meet with City Manager Vince Pastue 1-on-1 to go over things. What?!?!?!

Three days after the Budget Presentation Meeting a memo came from City Manager Mr. Pastue to the Council inviting each council member to meet with him and Assistant City Manager Mark Reggentin, privately, to discuss issues. Below is a snapshot of that portion of the memo.

The issue of the trees in downtown was only brought up because I brought it up. And look at the way our officials plan to address it -- by meeting in private! Ugh!

From Mr. Pastue's memo...Item 3...

Did you read that? This is just plain wrong. Legal or not -- it is not the way that open government is intended. We need to be able to hold accountable our elected officials and how can we do that when they are asking questions and getting answers in private?

Further, let's be clear, not all council members have a background in finance and accounting so maybe it is a nice safe haven to have both Mr. Pastue and Mr. Reggentin take time to do this session out of the glare of the sunshine. Or maybe it is cover for not asking any questions at all. We just don't know. Sad.

Further still, is it really the best use of time to have the top two city officials doing up to seven separate sessions with council members? And really -- don't we all benefit from hearing the same answer to the questions if they were provided in an open meeting?

These private meetings might have been innocently offered -- a way for staff to provide service to council -- but the council members should not do it.

And another further, City Council is an oversight body. A body. A complete 7-member body that should be listening to everything together in a transparent manner. Watchdog groups like The First Amendment Foundation agree with my assessment. Its mission says it all:

"...that government openness and transparency is critical to citizen trust and involvement in our democratic society – without Government in the Sunshine, civic engagement cannot bloom".

A recent article in the Orlando Sentinel shows that the problem of transparency is growing. In the case of Mount Dora, what we see is a body operating within the letter of the law but not operating within the spirit of the law.

I served on the Charter Review Committee -- our guiding document in Mount Dora -- there is no direction for the Council to be meeting privately to consider the Budget and other business.

Also, our city staff should be able to make thoughtful presentations that are able to make the case in a public setting. If it takes hours and hours of behind the scenes to explain things like the Thrill Hill project, Bio-solids, street sweepers, rescue boats, skate board parks (and other items) then maybe those projects are not worth it.

At the very least, we want to hear the story in public. Our city staff should have to sell ideas on how to spend our money and do it only in public. Transparency matters.

Finally, it isn't all about concern for nefarious activities behind closed doors. You see, when we have discussions in the open we, council, staff, citizens and others are able to work together to solve issues and make Mount Dora better. One question sparks another. And then another. Then a light goes on! Collaboration cannot happen unless we are, um, well, collaborating!

By sunshine law rules, collaboration -- essentially doing the peoples' business behind closed doors -- is not possible. The only way around that is to DO THE PEOPLES' BUSINESS IN THE PUBLIC ARENA.

So, why not keep things in the open? There are some very smart and capable people in our community and we are doing a huge disservice to them and everyone in Mount Dora by this 'behind-closed-doors' approach. If it takes longer meetings, then council needs to be committed to it. I trust that they are up for the task.

What's the answer? Stop. Stop meeting in private. For those Council members that have already met with Mr. Pastue and Mr. Reggentin, come clean at the next council meeting and tell us all what you talked about. For the others that haven't met yet, cancel the meeting. Thank Mr. Pastue for the offer but say that you'd rather do the peoples' business in public.

For all of us -- let's collaborate -- let's work together in the open. Transparency is so important. Let's get it right, together. And together we can continue to make Mount Dora a wonderful city and truly Someplace Special.

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